Grey Wolfe Publishing, LLC

Welcome to the Grey Wolfe Publishing Submissions Portal!

Please read the guidelines below and then click a category to begin the submission process.

Whether you are submitting your work to one of our Writing Contests, our Legends Literary Journal, one of our Community Service Anthologies, or sending us your complete manuscript for a Complimentary Review…
We have a few guidelines:

  • The purpose in requesting your full contact information is to more easily send complimentary copies to contributors.  Your submission will not be accepted without your full contact information.
  • All submissions must be sent electronically in either MS Word, PDF, or RTF format.  We do not accept hardcopy (paper) submissions.
  • All work must be double-spaced, with a blank space between paragraphs.
  • The margins should be set at one inch.
  • All submissions must be written in English.
  • We have no preference as to font choice, but it must be highly legible, and black.  Swirling and colored fonts are difficult for the review and editorial process.
  • The author name (and pen name, if you use one), along with the title of the piece, should appear in the header of your submission.
  • We understand the editorial process may change your work.  However, the work you submit should be your “best paw forward”.  Be certain you have resolved most spelling, punctuation and grammar errors before submitting.
  • Include your contact information in the header of your submission… name, phone number, email address.
  • Contest entries and Journal or Anthology submissions received after the deadline date will not be considered for publication.
  • Manuscripts seeking a complimentary review should expect a return correspondence within two to four weeks.
  • To streamline our submission process, you now have the option to submit photos or illustrations with your writing.  Including these, of course, is optional.  However, to be included for publication, they must be submitted simultaneously, with your writing.
  • Photographs and illustrations must adhere to Grey Wolfe Publishing's ethical standards; which means they may depict anything that is representative of the piece,  excluding explicit sex; explicit drug use; graphic violence against women, children, or animals. (If you are unclear regarding these exclusions, please send an email to for clarification and approval.)
Thank you for submitting to Grey Wolfe Publishing.
We look forward to reading your work!

Grey Wolfe Publishing, LLC